Entries by Agnes Riley

Agnes Riley presented the FOCUS Framework to the NY FileMaker Developers’ Group

On June 10, 2010 Agnes Riley of ZeroBlue presented the FOCUS framework to the NY FileMaker Developers’ Group. The demonstration included the main features of the free FOCUS framework, from how to quickly create tables and layouts and how privileges allow/disallow navigation. Participants also learned how you can modify the framework with your own design: […]

Adding shortcuts to FileMaker on Mac OS X

I have a seen a lot of complaints on mailing lists about shortcuts – that developers are used to – that are now missing from FileMaker 11. I may not be able to help restore those shortcuts, but I would like to show you how you can add shortcuts to menu items that do not […]

Importing RSS Feed Into FileMaker with XSLT

Update: Per popular request I am revisiting this article. I made some edits and also now you can download the the demo file. Someone sent an email to our FileMaker group to request information about importing RSS feed into FileMaker. Since I have done this and it’s actually quite easy, I thought I’d post the […]

Demo of the FMTouch iPhone App with a FileMaker database

Photo by Sandy Hechtman December 11, 2008: Agnes Riley presented a FileMaker-made-mobile solution to the members of the New York Motion Picture Collective and the New York FileMaker Developer Group. The presentation demonstrated bringing a database from FileMaker to the iPhone through the use of FMTouch. Click the images below to get a closer look: […]


This is exactly how I envisioned my application over a year ago, when I started working on it with some developer friends, except one or two EXTRA features, which I am not going to elaborate on. Evernote, however is an excellent application for collecting notes from the web or your head and then syncing them […]